Emmy Rossum says Hi and thanks for having me. I hope I can answer any questions that you have!
halloweenfan2001 asks Do you have any plans for Halloween?
Emmy Rossum says Ooh yes. But I can't decide what I'm going to be yet. I can normally make my own costumes but the record just came out last week so I've been so busy. Hopefully I'll get time on the day of Halloween to make it!
Emmy Rossum says But it is the perfect excuse to put on different wigs and change into a different character, you know?
halloweenfan2001 asks What was your first job as an actor?
Emmy Rossum says When I was 11, it was actually one of my first auditions. I had just left the metro opera and it was for the soap opera "As The World Turns".
emmysnumber1phan asks What was your favorite song to sing on your album?
Emmy Rossum says I think "Slow Me Down" because it is the single, it was a capella, so it is just my voice. I like the song, it is about life, it is about how if you don't slow down in life you might miss the things that are really important. So lyrically that was my favorite song.
nattywoohoo asks Which movie role has been your favorite to play (so far)?
Emmy Rossum says Definitely Phantom of the Opera. It was a great opportunity to combine singing and acting. It was my first lead role, it was just so exciting for me. But I also enjoyed working on Mystic River with Sean Penn and Clint Eastwood - you can't learn from better people than them!
gooles asks who do you look up to musically?
Emmy Rossum says Hmm.. I think Sinead OConnor. I really respect her lyrical honesty, I love her tone. She is just herself and I think that is great. I think whether or not you agree with her public openness, you have to give her props for being herself.
Emmy Rossum says It is like my album, I get to show who I am as a musician and a person and that is cool.
Emmy Rossum says ... my dogs say hi, by the way. Theyr'e sitting here watching.
gooles asks whats the best part about living in New York?
Emmy Rossum says Everything! Everything from being able to walk to your friends' house, to central park, to museums, to restaurants, to theatre and broadway and plays and the opera. Everything is immediately accessible. It is the city that never sleeps - if you want to hear any kind of music at any time, or go to a comedy show, you can.
Emmy Rossum says New York is my home town and I love it. I got so many opportunities growing up living here, my grade two teacher heard me singing and sent me over to the metropolitan opera to audition and that never would have happened had I not lived in New York!
Sarah_Daae asks Who did U get ur talent from? ur Mother or ur Father? or are u the lone star?
Emmy Rossum says Umm, definitely not my parents. My mom is an artist but she can't sing or carry a tune - no one in my family can. It is something that I naturally got, but by working at the opera and working on so many great film sets, I got some great training. They cultivated and refined it.
Emmy Rossum says I definitely didn't get my singing from my parents.
Emmy Rossum says But my mom talk me how to cook so I can say that I learned how to cook from her!
ginaz asks do you ever get starstruck?
Emmy Rossum says Oh definitely. I was starstruck last week when I saw Diane Sawyer getting her make-up done at 5am. I am always star struck. I got to share a tuna sandwich with Sean Penn on set. I was like "wow, I must have made it". It happens all the time.
alta asks Do you want to go back to Broadway in a musical? Which one?
Emmy Rossum says Definitely if it was a character that I loved and was a challenge for me. Something funny, or music that I really love. I love some of the younger writers that are coming up. I definitely, definitely want to go back to live shows. It is something so wonderful that you can't find recording a CD or making a film. I hope to tour later this year because there is nothing better than a live show!
halloweenfan2001 asks Unlike most actors who say they don't watch their own work, do you view the movies you've performed in?
Emmy Rossum says Yes, we kind of have to because we have to go to the premiere. Sometimes it makes me a little nervous to see them. I look up on the screen and it doesn't really seem like me at all. It is a girl who is usually completely different than me - I'm always playing a character who is different from myself.
Emmy Rossum says I'm really proud of specific ones who can bridge the gap between being a popcorn movie and addressing a real issue - like "The Day After Tomorrow" which was both a good movie and also brought up the debate about global warming.
ginaz asks what do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Emmy Rossum says Playing with my two new puppies!! I also write songs, go on hikes and things like that. Go to the movies. I'm not really like one of those hollywood bad girls that run around, go to clubs and don't wear underwear and stuff.
ginaz asks what is one place in the world you have never been to but want to go to?
Emmy Rossum says Down the amazon. I've always thought that it would be an amazing journey. I would learn many things about wildlife, about things that I've never seen before. I like learning about different parts of the world. I went to Alaska when I was seven and it was an experience for me, being in nature and wildlife. That is my idea of a great vacation.
languelamour asks I love your new album. Which song was the hardest to sing?
Emmy Rossum says The hardest - emotionally or musically? I guess the hardest to sing was the last song on the record which is pretty personal to me. It is called "Anymore" and I struggled whether to write it, whether to include it on the record. I am a very private person and usually stood back from my films and let the character stand for itself. But with the album, I wanted to be who I am.
Emmy Rossum says One part of myself is that I grew up without my father. My parents split up when my mom was pregnant. In the writing of the song, I came to terms with that and it was the most exposed I've ever been about the pain I've felt in my life. I wanted to put it on there because a lot of people my age have to go through that - losing a parent or never having a parent.
emmyrossumrocks asks Will you be going on tour for your CD?
Emmy Rossum says When will I be going on tour ... hopefully next year. Not before the end of the year. Hopefully next year. I hope to share this live with people, as many as I can.
Emmy Rossum says We're almost to thanksgiving, so next year isn't that far away now!
ginaz asks do you read your fanmail?
Emmy Rossum says The stuff that gets to me, yes. It goes through the great unknown of the mail system and the postal system. Some goes to my agent, manager, publicist, some of it gets lost. Some ends up on my desk and I do try to send pictures or notes to whoever I can.
Emmy Rossum says This year some fans sent me a beautiful bithday book with poetry and pictures. It was really really very sweet and I love things like that. I'm lucky to have people that care about me like that.
Emmy Rossum says ... cause I care about them too !!
Emmy Rossum says We're nothing without our fans. People who go see our movies, buy our records. We make music and movies to share with people. The happier we make people, the better we do. So we want people to care about the things we do!
emmyrossumrocks asks How long did it take you to record Slow Me Down?
Emmy Rossum says From the time that I signed the record deal until the time that the record was out, it took probably a year and a half to record the whole album. They really gave me the confidence and freedom to find my "sound", which I think was the greatest challenge. They didn't pressure me to go in the obvious directly of making a "pop girl" kind of record. They let me explore and do different things.
Emmy Rossum says I wanted to find something that maximized my voice, be new-ish and something that people would enjoy.
Emmy Rossum says I wanted to be a strong women and sexy but not in a pop way. I really wanted to find a sound that was uniquely my own. Once I found the sound, after four months of working with a ton of different people, it took about six months to record and finish. Shoot the video and stuff.
Emmy Rossum says It was definitely a process to take a little over a year off and focus on the record. Music has always been the most important thing in my life.
Emmy Rossum says It actually took three days to record Slow Me Down. But it was worthwhile, we could have used voice doublers, etc. But I wanted it to be much more organic than that, so we had to record many times.
scottyk asks why did u choose to do a cover of "Rainy Days & Mondays" on your album?
Emmy Rossum says I guess I've always loved the carpenters. Loved Karen Carpenter, loved her voice and I've always loved that song. Not a ton of people my age know that song, I knew it because my mom played it. She was somebody who experimented with voice, layering voice, and I wanted to bring that to people and pay homage to that.
Dancinkate228 asks What gives you inspiration to write such personal songs like Anymore, or any song on the album?
Emmy Rossum says Personal things... like relationships and love and infidelity. A lot of different things. It can even be something as simple as walking down the street and seeing somebody and wondering what their life is like. It can be anything from something very deeply personal, to something that friends are going through. But writing songs isn't like... you can't plan on writing songs - like, wake up
Emmy Rossum says every day at 9am and write a song. You need to have something to say, and be inspired
halloweenfan2001 asks What is your favorite childhood memory?
Emmy Rossum says Wow. I guess I have a few...
Emmy Rossum says One is at a bithday party when I was five, outside New York City. All my friends were there. We got dressed up as beauty and the beast, or like clowns. I even remember what the cake looked like.
Emmy Rossum says The other time is at the opera when I was 7 and there were a hundred people with me, and two hundred people in the audience and it was live and there was no such thing as a "take two". It was exciting for that reason - and I really felt right at home. Now I get that feeling on some film sets - it is like a big family, everyone is there to make a great film and work together.
Emmy Rossum says It is a nice warm feeling like on Phantom of the Opera.
halloweenfan2001 asks How was it performing on talk shows such as Good Morning America?
Emmy Rossum says Surprisingly not nerve wracking. I got up really early - I got up at about 4 and had to be there for sound check at 5:30. Something that early is never fun, but I was really excited to be singing a song that I wrote on Good Morning America. It was different because it was done as a piano vocal. It was really fun and exciting. Whenever I'm nervous I just wiggle a little and then I'm fine.
halloweenfan2001 asks Are you a fan of sports?
Emmy Rossum says Yeah I just got to go to a hockey game! I think I'm going to be a hockey fan for life. I got to sing the national anthem at the Devils new arena. I felt a little bit at home there since so many of my family members were there. I can play softball okay. Soccer - not a chance. I can never get the ball kicking in the right direction. It is just confusing to me - I'm no good at soccer.
Emmy Rossum says I like running too - I'm a good runner.
Dancinkate228 asks If you could collaborate with any artist dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Emmy Rossum says I would love to collaborate with Kan dinsky (the painter). He painted what he considered to be music so I really admired him. But if you meant an actor then I would say Audrey Hepburn or Russell Crowe... or Bono.
halloweenfan2001 asks Where do you see yourself in five years?
Emmy Rossum says Hopefully I can keep doing films and make a second record. Share myself with as many people as possible - music and film. Another comedy, hopefully another musical, and hopefully even incorporate my music into that. You never know where the road is going to take you. I try not to focus too much on where I'm going but I just focus on what I'm doing and what I enjoy doing.
Chat Host says Okay, that was the final question
Emmy Rossum says Thank you so much for coming in today. I hope we can do it again and that you got to know me a little better.
Emmy Rossum says Please check out the album.
Emmy Rossum says Me and my dogs here are saying bye!!
Chat Host says Thanks Emmy! And thank you to everyone who came out to ask so many great questions.
Chat Host says Be sure to check out Emmy's new album, INSIDE OUT, which is now in stores!!
Chat Host says Her official site is at http://www.geffen.com/emmyrossum and you can add her on MySpace at http://www.myspace.com/emmyrossum
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